Will HVAC be in Demand in the Future?

As the population continues to grow, so does the demand for Heating and AC Repair Townsend GA services. This is because HVAC systems typically have a lifespan of 15 to 20 years, meaning that as the population ages, more and more people will need to replace their old systems with new ones. This increase in demand will create even more jobs in the Heating and AC Repair Townsend GA industry. To understand the job obligations, education, job growth, and salary of heating, air conditioning and refrigeration mechanics and installers, it is important to compare them with similar occupations. Apprentices typically earn about half of what experienced workers make. As they learn more and become more experienced, their salary increases.

The Payments tab describes typical incomes and how annual salaries, hourly wages, commissions, tips, or bonuses are compensated for workers in the occupation. Within each occupation, earnings vary depending on experience, responsibility, performance, seniority and geographical area. For most profiles, this tab contains a table with salaries in the main industries that employ the occupation. It does not include the salaries of self-employed workers, agricultural workers or workers in private households because these data are not collected by the Employment and Occupational Wage Statistics Survey (OEWS), the source of BLS wage data in the OOH. The Job Outlook tab describes the factors that affect employment growth or the decline in employment and, in some cases, describes the relationship between the number of job seekers and the number of job offers. Sandra Smith was introduced to the heating, ventilation and air conditioning industry when she was working as an accountant and secretary for a small air conditioning contractor.

According to estimates from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), employment of HVAC technicians is projected to grow by 15 percent from 2019 to 2029. That number is based on an additional 48,800 HVAC technicians and the retirement of 6,700 existing HVAC technicians. This means that there will be a steady demand for HVAC technicians in the future as more people need to replace their old systems with new ones.